Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Campaign for Summer Jobs -- United Neighborhood Houses - Advocacy

Since 1999, UNH has co-lead the Campaign for Summer Jobs along with the Neighborhood Family Services Coalition. The Campaign seeks to secure permanent funding for a summer employment program for youth in New York City to help them gain work experience and contribute to their communities. For the past 9 years, youth and youth workers from all over the City have joined in this effort, participating in the Campaign's Annual Youth Action Day.Even with the Campaign's past success, we must continue to work to make certain that this valuable program is adequately funded in the future. Although $56 million in government funding made it possible for nearly 42,000 young people in New York City to have a summer job in 2007, 93,000 youth applied. This year, the City budget includes a $3.2 million cut to the summer jobs program, eliminating 2,100 jobs for young people. The Campaign's goal is to see that every youth who wants a summer job will have one.
United Neighborhood Houses - Advocacy
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