Sunday, December 30, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Middle School Fair -- January 22
Tuesday, January 22 5:30p-8:00p
Joan of Arc School Building
154 West 93 Street
Between Amsterdam and Columbus Avenues
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
6:33 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007
LACASA Volunteers Are Fantastic!
LACASA's program could not get along without the fantastic volunteers that take time out of their schedules to help run the program.
Special thanks to Joleen Chaucer, Jeizel Chaucer and Jensey Chaucer all graduates of PS 84, and Alumni of LACASA After School & Summer Camp programs. They have maintained their connection with LACASA and have helped the program tremendously. We have all seen them grow into young leaders all while they are giving back to the community through volunteering.
Zoe Cohen and Jordana Tenenbaum come all the way from Riverdale where they attend High School. They both travel one day a week to PS 84 to volunteer with LACASA. They work in the classrooms assisting children with homework assignments and group activities such as art, dance, and read alouds. Their contribution to the after school groups they work with and each child that they interact with is invaluable. Without their support some children would not get the one-on-one attention/help they need during homework and reading time.
Meredith Stannard came to us by way of the
Matt Fischman is currently a Junior High School student at the
Our volunteers are priceless! They have helped to improve the level of assistance and attention our students receive and the overall quality of the LACASA After School Program as a whole.
Pictured above (1) Jeizel and Joleen. (2) Ramon Cuevas, LACASA's Program Director with Jency.
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
10:36 AM
Labels: volunteers
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Three Kings Celebrations @ Museo Del Barrio
Friday, January 4, 2008
Join El Museo’s 31 st Annual Three Kings Day Parade. Celebrate the joy of the holiday season and learn about the traditions of this festive holiday throughout the Caribbean and Latin America . El Museo’s dynamic parade led by the Three Kings, winds throughout the streets of El Barrio and includes lively music, bright costumes, as well as an educational theatrical presentation for students.
Admission: Free. Advance registration is required for group participation in the parade and theater program. Theater seating is limited. For more information or to register a group, call (212) 660-7144 or e-mail
Community CelebrationTHREE KINGS DAY CONCERT
All families are welcome to join El Museo’s exciting celebration of Three Kings Day. This special holiday presentation at El Museo’s Teatro Heckscher will feature musical entertainment and surprises.
Admission: Free with ticket. Ticket distribution begins at 1:00 pm at theatre box office the day of event. Seating is limited; two tickets per person only.
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
8:02 PM
Labels: events
Free Educators Weekend!
Admission to the Museum is free the last weekend of every month for educators and their families. Bring your school ID or letterhead for admission and a discount at the Museum Shop.
The Museum of the City of New York 1220 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY 10029 212.534.1672
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
7:02 PM
Labels: javascript:void(0)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Welcome Back Naomi!
Naomi Rijo, one of the first 12 young people that were part of the first after school program started 14 years ago, joins the Strycker's Bay staff. A graduate of Albany State University, Naomi is ready to give back to her community and explore the different career paths available to her as a math major.
Naomi is currently serving as Strycker's Bay's Fiscal and Administrative Manager, working closely with our Executive Director, Kelley Williams.
"Naomi is really a powerhouse. She has put together a vision for a more streamlined administration so that we can concentrate on community programs. Its great having her back!"
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
12:33 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Salsa Legends
Our pilot Salsa Club initiated last year has turned out to be a huge success. Parents and students alike have requested that we continue the wildly popular club. It has made Sherly Prudoth one of LACASA’s most popular staff members.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Jon Helps Stryckers Bay With Public Relations
Hello my name is Jon George; I’m a twenty year old college student and a long standing member of LACASA. I’ve been around Stryckers Bay and the LACASA program for the past eleven years.
I started at as a camper in LACASA’s summer day camp at 9 years old, and then started attending LACASA’s after school program at age eleven. I grew up surrounded by the loving, supportive people of Strycker’s Bay who wanted nothing else for me but to move forward on a healthy path toward a great future. By the time I was fourteen, I started working as a counselor at LACASA’s after school and summer camp programs. I’ve been with LACASA as staff ever since. The work experience I have gained has been very valuable to me. I have learned to handle people and children in a very real and genuine way.
This summer I am very excited to work with Valerie and Kelley on various public relations and marketing projects for the organization. I’m attending school for graphic arts and this is a great way for me to get experience hands on in a friendly and helpful environment.
On a personal note, I can say that the people within the organization have helped me a great deal in growing up and becoming the young man I am today. I am grateful for the time spent with the organization and the time they have invested in me.
Shout out to Kelly Ramon, Jenny my home girls Valerie, Janice and Lori.
Peace out!
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
3:50 PM
Monday, June 25, 2007
It was a blast!
The LACASA After School program closed the year with a BANG! There was standing room only for the show that started off with a grand entrance into the auditorium by all after school program participants and staff singing loud and proud We're All In This Together from High School Musical.
The acts that followed included The Alphabet Song from Sesame Street -- can you say.... Abb-kuh-deff-gee-jeckel-muh-nopp-kwer-stoov-wix-iz. The act was headlined by "Big Bird" with his back up singers....The Alphabet.Michael Jackson's "Beat It" and "Thriller" perfromed by the third graders and their counselor David Rosa. They all popped and locked across the stage which made everyone get up out of their seats and dance.
The fifth graders put on unforgettable salsa and merengue dance routines.The show closed with the staff singing to their kids "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" expressing their committment to them.
It was a wonderful show...make sure not to miss next year's show.....
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
4:01 PM
Friday, June 22, 2007
Valerie Levshin Joins Strycker's Bay!

Prior to joining Strycker's Bay, I was a field researcher for a study that evaluated a literacy and social development program for kids in K-5, and as a marketing associate at Scholastic Inc. Born in Russia, I also lived in Argentina and studied in Australia. I love dancing salsa, roaming the parks, and reading.
If you have any ideas regarding what kind of activities or resources would benefit the kids and adults, what organization we may be able to partner with, or how we can best tell our story, please don’t hesitate to contact me. My email is and the office phone is 212-874-7272.
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
9:21 AM
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Find Out About Middle School Task Force
From the website
The Task Force is dedicated to finding new and innovative solutions to many of the challenges facing our middle schools. We will bring together parents, teachers and principals, academics, advocates, and members of the business community to provide a wide range of perspectives on this important issue.
Click here to visit website
Powered by ScribeFire.
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
10:26 AM
Monday, April 02, 2007
Announcing............LACASA After School Year End Show
Last week the entire after school program rehearsed for the year end show scheduled for mid June. Don't miss it!
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
2:25 PM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Summer Employment Application Available April 1st!
Attention teens, Strycker's Bay is looking for young people looking for a summer employment opportunity. If you, your brother, sister, or anyone you know might be interested, check out the info right here or give us a call at the Strycker's Bay main office: 212-874-7272.
As of April 1st, 2007, we will have all available information and applications . Strycker's Bay and LACASA will have a limited number of job openings for young
people through this program
You must be 14 years of age or older to work and you must have your Working Papers
See your school guidance counselor to apply for your Working Papers
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
1:46 PM
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
L.A.C.A.S.A. Summer Day Camp
L.A.C.A.S.A. is about to start it's 15 Annual Summer Day Camp. Registration has already begun and the camp itself begins July 5th 2007. Children between 7-13 years old will be accepted, but hurry up! Get registered before it's too late.
The L.A.C.A.S.A. Summer Day Camp has always been a success in the past, with structured and fully supervised activities such as swimming, skating, tutoring, even trips to the beach, parks and zoos. Your children are guaranteed a friendly environment, an opportunity to make new friends, and a great summer.
Also, Strycker's Bay is looking for young people looking for a summer employment opportunity. If you, your brother, sister, or anyone you know might be interested, give us a call.
For any information on the above, or anythig else for that matter, give Strycker's Bay a call at 212-874-7272.
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
10:27 AM
Labels: Summer Camp