Monday, October 30, 2006
There Is Always Time In Our Day To Read
Jon George, Assistant Group Leader reads to children after they they have completed their homework. Jon, now a college sophmore, was also a LACASA after school and summer camp participant starting at age 9. We stay connected!
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
2:24 PM
Join The Club
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
5:55 AM
Friday, September 15, 2006
We're Back To School
Welcome Back LACASA Kids, Parents and Staff....
Well... Summer is over and it's back to school!
Everyone had a great time at Summer camp.... it just went by so fast!
If you have been to the after school program, you have probably seen Ramon and Jenny running around PS 84 putting order to things. Everything is coming together very nicely.
We are happy to annouce that LACASA's entire after school program is operating out of PS 84. Thanks to the school's very supportive Principal, Robin Sundick, and all the staff from teachers, administrators, custodial staff, securtiy and the nutrion staff. We thank all of you for your support!
The staff has many wonderful activities and events planned, that I am sure everyone who is part of LACASA will enjoy.
Visit our blog regularly to keep informed of program activities and special announcements.
Welcome Back All!
Kelley Williams
Executive Director
Strycker's Bay Neighborhood Council
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
12:45 PM
Thursday, June 29, 2006
LACASA Kids Graduate!
LACASA Staff join Michael (8th Grade) Damani and Sara (5th Grade) at their graduation! See you next year as tutors and counselors!
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
10:13 AM
Monday, May 22, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
Sign On!
Moratorium of Confiscation of Cellular Phones in NYC Public Schools
Sign a petition supporting a resolution that calls for a moratorium on the confiscation of cellular phones during random scannings and passing through metal detectors. Click Here
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
10:54 AM
Monday, May 08, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Summer Youth Employment Application Deadline
The deadline to submit your summer youth employment application is fast approaching. If you are interested in working with Strycker's Bay you must submit your application to Ramon or Jenny (212-874-7272) no later than Wednesday May 24th! THIS DEADLINE IS FINAL.
If you are interested in working at other worksites you can submit your application to one of New York City's community based organization authorized to accept SYEP applications. Click here for more information. That deadline is May 30th.
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
7:00 AM
We're Baaaaaack!
Sorry there was a break in entries to our blog. There was school vacation, staff development and a few proposals to write....but were are back....
On Saturday, April 15th. LACASA Families and Strycker's Bay Staff enjoyed a baseball game on opening day --
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
6:53 AM
Monday, April 10, 2006
Executive Director's Day Out With The LACASA Kids
On Friday, April 7th, I joined the LACASA Kids and Staff on a field trip to see the movie Ice Age 2 -- The Melt Down. You know, as the Executive Director it is my responsibility to observe all of Strycker's Bay's programs in action (wink wink...I really just want to see the movie).
I don't know what I enjoyed more the movie or just hanging out with the LACASA Kids and Staff. I am extremely proud of the kids and staff that represented LACASA and Strycker's Bay well on their trip to the movies. You guys are the best!
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
9:08 AM
School District Three Sponors Meeting with Legislators
I saw this event posted on City Council Member Gale Brewer's email newsletter:
ALL Welcome
District 3 Community Education Council
District 3 President's Council
is sponsoring
An Evening with Our Legislators
Thursday, May 11, 2006
at P.S. 75 - Emily Dickinson School, 735 West End Avenue @ 96th Street, 6:00 PM - 6:30 PM – Reception; 6:30 PM - 8:30PM – Meeting. RSVP @ or Rosezeter McClain 347-596-6199.
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
8:59 AM
Monday, April 03, 2006
Summer Youth Employment Applications -- AVAILABLE NOW!
Summer Youth Employement (SYEP) applications are now available online. The deadline for submission is May 30, 2006.
From the SYEP web site: The purpose of the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) is to provide New York City youth, between the ages of 14 through 21, with summer employment and educational experiences that build on their individual strengths and incorporate youth development principles. These principles include engaging the talents and interests of youth, developing their skills and competencies, and providing positive adult role models.
You need working papers in order to work. If you do not have them, please see your school guidance counselor immediately.
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
12:34 PM
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Affordable Computers for the New User from Per Scholas
· Pentium III Processor
· 256 MB RAM
· Windows Professional
· CD-ROM Drive
· 3.5" Floppy Drive
· USB Ports
· Cable/DSL-Ready
· Network Card
· Color Monitor
Everything you need for less A home computer allows you to do research on the web, help your kids with homework, stay in touch with email, and even do your banking online – the possibilities are endless!
We are posting this information because many families have asked where they can purchase an affordable computer. You can contact Per Scholas by clicking the link above or you can contact their office at 718-772-0654.
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
10:10 AM
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Friday, March 17, 2006
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
What LACASA Kids Are Reading
A Child Called It - By David Pelzer
The middle school students at LACASA began reading A Child Called It on Monday. Jason Acosta, LACASA's group leader planned to read only on chapter aloud and then have a discussion on the book. Students were so interested in the book....they ask Jason to continue reading. A Child Call It is an autobiographical story of David Pelzer's childhood. The book tells his story of being abused by his alcoholic mother and how he struggled physically and emotionally to survive. Some students have read this book and the other two that are part of the author's series.I Love My Hair byNatasha Anastasia Tarpley
Jenny, read I Love My Hair to the elementary school students. All of them loved it! They could all identify in some way with the girl, Keyana, who isn't so happy with what she has to go through to brush and comb her hair. No matter gently her mother combs her hair it still hurts Keyana. While Keyana doesn't feel so lucky to have such a head of hair her mother assures her that she is very lucky to have her hair because she can where it any way she chooses. Through the books wonderful illustrations, the children see the many hair styles Keyana can have. Braids ...Corn Rows...An Afro... The book sends reassuring message for all children about the importance of appreciating what they look like as part of who they are.
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
1:17 PM
We'll Miss You Emily!
Emily was introduced to LACASA's after school program by Helen Rosenthal, a Strycker's Bay Board member. Emily, a middle school student came on board as a volunteer in Fall 2005. She is now moving on -- We will miss you Emily!
LACASA kids each made personal cards to Emily letting her know how much she has meant to them and how much they will miss her.
Jonathon's card read: "I enjoyed having you read the English Rose. I was happy when I learned new things with you. If you would come and visit I’m sure everyone will love it. I know there are no smiles without you!"
Melinda wrote: "Thank you for helping me with my homework and making me happy when I was sad. You are the sweetest person I ever met. Roses are red. Violets are blue. Sugar is sweet and so are you."
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
12:09 PM
Summer Camp Application Are Available Now!
Do miss out on Summer Time Fun!
Pick up your Day Camp Applications Today!
See Ramon or Jenny or call the main office at 212-874-7272
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
2:07 AM
Monday, March 13, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006
LACASA is About Leading, Learning and Sharing
Izel is a student from Martin Luther King High School. He is an assistant group leader for the 5th Grade at LACASA's After School Program @ PS 84.
Izel is a young leader helping LACASA kids develop strong literacy skills. The group is currently holding discussions, reading articles and watching films on black culture and Hip Hop.
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
2:40 PM
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Summer Jobs!
- You must be 14 years of age or older to work and you must have your Working Papers
- See your school guidance counselor to apply for your Working Papers
- Get your working papers early -- that means START NOW!
- You should check NYC's Division of Youth and Community Development's website for summer youth employment opportunities.
Strycker's Bay and LACASA will have a limited number of job openings for young people. If you are interested in working with us, please contact our office at 212-874-7272. Ask for Ramon or Jenny.
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
5:10 AM
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Stone Fox....A LACASA Tear Jerker
Jenny, LACASA's Program Coordinator, finished reading Stone Fox by John Reynolds Gardiner yesterday with many of the elementary school age children. "Stone Fox tells the story of a boy determined to win a dog sled race to save his grandfather's farm. No one has ever beaten Stone Fox, an imposing and silent Native American, but little Willy trains daily for the race with his beloved dog, Searchlight. It seems like Willy might even win the race until heartbreaking tragedy strikes."
All the children were so touched by the book's ending many of them shed a tear or two. They were able to capture and understand the character's emotions during this group reading activity.
We know LACASA Kids will remember this book and will want to share with others.
Do you have any children's books you would like to recommend...let Jenny know. You can send your recommendations to:
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
1:35 PM
Summer time is almost here... will out and where will you be?

Applications are now available. We have a limited number scholarships available, so make sure to apply early. We will also be accepting ACD vouchers this year!
Applications are available at our after school program sites and our main office at 61 West 87th Street. You may also request an application by calling 212-874-7272.
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
7:25 AM
Friday, March 03, 2006
LACASA @ PS84 -- Staff Learn How To Make Reading Fun!
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
5:35 AM
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Welcome Alma!
LACASA welcomes its newest volunteer AlmaCortes!
Alma is a student from Bank Street College of Education and a teacher candidate completing some of her field work at our after school program at PS 84. She is working with the kindergarten group and has designed and implemented fun and exciting lesson plans and weekly schedules.
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
11:39 AM
To Liana who was named "Student of the Week" at PS9. Great job! Keep up the good work!
A GPA of 95.5 for Lauren of the Community Action School! F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C!!!!
And Danny of the Computer School earned a 86 GPA this reporting period! You Go Danny!
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
11:13 AM
Monday, February 27, 2006
We're Back!
Hey Guys!
While you were on vacation we hope you all remembered our words of wisdom “Reading Can Take You Places”.
What books did you read during the winter recess?
Here are some books we think you would enjoy and are part of the LACASA Library:
Mrs. Katz and Tush by Patricia Polacco
Sakado and the Thousand Paper Crane by Eleanor Coerr
The Devil’s Arithmetic by Jane Yolan
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
1:44 PM
Monday, February 20, 2006
Welcome to LACASA’s website! Here is where you come to see the projects we are working on and our upcomeing schedule of activities.
We will be adding something new everyday…so make sure to check here often.
Posted by
Strycker's Bay
11:00 AM